Smiths Beach News Archive

Smiths Beach News

Yallingup Beach News

Injidup Bay News

The starting point for the Smiths Beach Action Group was reported in the links below.

The West Australian ran the following stories for 4 days between the 13th and 16th of December 2000.

Story 1: "Resort plan sparks battle"

Story 2: "Smiths Beach row widens"

Story 3: "Anger over change to Smiths Beach development policy"

Story 4: "Smiths Beach plan defended"

and then 3 months later...

Story 5: "Smiths Beach bombshell" - the developer withdraws their plans

Story 6: "Labor move kills Smiths Beach plan" - WA Govt plans to change laws

Please also contact The West Australian to view the article(s).

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Smiths Beach News

Yallingup Beach News

Injidup Bay News

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